If you are hardcore gamer then you must have played Diablo 2. This game had become very popular when it first came out and when the second series was introduced gamers were very excited, but when they started playing they were disappointed as the value of gold was very low and the gold just kept piling up in their characters account. You could only use the gold for making certain repairs or you could exchange the gold for gems, but other than that you could not do anything else with the gold that you would earn in the game.
The first reason is that, with the help of the gold that you earn you will be able to make the upgrades that you want to your character. You can buy the equipments that you want and you can also buy the gear that you want. You will be able to buy whatever you want from the vendors and this way you can put the gold to use. So depending on the amount of gold that you have in your characters account you can make the purchases that you want. It is better to put the gold to use than to let it pile up in the account.
If you don’t want to buy anything from the vendor then you can buy whatever you want from the other players. Some players sell what they have in the Diablo III rmah (real money auction house).you will be able to buy whatever you want to buy for the auction house and you will also be able to buy the gold for real money. There are a lot of other things that you can do with the gold that you earn in the game. You will have to play the game to see what changes have been made.
You can play the game online or you can buy the CD’s or download it online. It is more fun if you play with your friends. If you have played the first two installments then you will know how to play the third one two. You can get more information on this game on the Diablo 3 blog. You can find the Diablo III blog on Google. But it is not going to be the same with Diablo 3. This game is going to be completely different and the value of gold is going to go up considerably. There are a number of reasons why you should by this game.