An Informative Guide to the Character Classes in Diablo 3

Diablo 3 is a great game but it has a number of new features that you need to quickly read through before you start your play. There is a lot of latest Diablo 3 news available on the internet but this guide will help give you the most important information in a quick and easy manner. The first thing to understand is that a number of new things have been introduced and understanding the character classes is important to your play. The cool new thing about this version is that you are allowed to choose the gender of your character and since there are five classes you are essentially being given a choice of 10 different characters during the game. The five classes of the characters are – Barbarian, Witch Doctor, Demon Hunter, Wizard and Monk.The barbarian is the only character that has been taken from the previous version.

A new character called the witch doctor has been introduced in this game but it has a lot of similarities to the necromancer from the previous version. This character is dependant on mana which is slowly regenerating over time. He is different from the necromancer because he is influenced by voodoo and shamanism which makes him special. His main skill set includes Soul harvest, Locus swarm, Mass Confusion and Horrify. The demon hunter is a combination of two characters from the previous edition – assassin and Amazon. He is dependant on 2 abilities – hatred and discipline. The Wizard has many similarities to the Sorceress from the previous edition but this game has given the wizard a lot more powers, abilities and skills. The Monk on the other hand is a completely new character and has many defensive abilities. He is also good in melee combat as well as martial arts.

For a detailed knowledge of each character and their skill sets and abilities you can go online and search for a good Diablo 3 guide and oven read blog posts from blogs like to get all the information you need to play the game successfully and excel at it.  Though the character has been taken from Diablo 2, it has been completely enhanced and its main features are its prowess and physical strength. This is the character usually chosen by novices because it is the easiest character to play with. Generating fury and anger helps this character when it is attacked. The barbarian’s main skills include Whirlwind, lap, cleve and ground stomp.


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