The Third Instalment in The Diablo Franchise Is Eagerly Awaited

Diablo is a series of games developed by Blizzard. The Diablo series already has two games in it and a third is set to come  out soon. Gamers are very excited and are looking forward to the next instalment of the franchise. The game is set in the  fictional world of Sanctuary. Sanctuary has two main continents and a number of small islands. The geography of the world has  changed drastically after the events of the second game.

The third instalment picks up after the second game where heroes had to battle the armies from the burning hells. These  heroes were driven mad by their ordeal and a new crop of heroes must now rise up to protect sanctuary from the forces of evil  threatening the land. The game is an action role playing game and can be played in multiplayer mode as well. For the  multiplayer mode gamers can use the service.

The most exciting aspect of the game that players are looking forward to is the real money auction house. Player will be able  to use real world money to trade with other gamers in the Diablo III RMAH (Real Money Auction House). They can buy and sell  goods they have picked up in the game, characters, upgrades as well as equipment. Developers have revealed that there will be  very few non-tradable items that will be character bound.

The game has the following character classes Wizard, witch doctor, demon hunter, barbarian and monk. In the diablo II game  players could not select the gender of the character as each class had an assigned gender. In the third instalment players  can choose the gender of their character as well. The alternative characters were revealed later as part of the promotion of  the game.

You can learn a lot of information about the game by reading a good Diablo III Blog. A lot of blogs dedicated to the came  have sprung up and are very informative. You can find a diablo 3 blog on the internet. If you know a lot about this game then  you can also start your own diablo 3 blog. This is a great way to get and share information with gamers around the world. If  you enjoy gaming then you should get the Diablo III game when


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